Sixth Session of the Arab - China Cooperation Conference on Energy

About the Conference:

The conference will focus on the following pillars:

  • Electricity & Electrical Interconnection:
    • Future challenges facing the Energy Sector.
    • Overview on energy sector in Arab states and China.
    • Global Electrical Interconnection.
    • Arab-china cooperation in the field of Electricity Generation.
  • Sustainable Energy:
    • Arab Strategy for Sustainable Energy.
    • Sustainable Energy in China.
    • Future Energy systems particularly Solar and Wind Energy and Arab Countries experience.
    • Future Energy systems particularly Solar and Wind Energy and China experience.
  • Nuclear Energy:
    • The Chinese experience in the field of peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy.
    • The Arab experience in the field of peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy.
  • Oil and Natural Gas
    • Evolution in Oil and Natural Gas industry and Arab-china Cooperation.
    • Natural Gas‘s role in Electricity generation cost reduction.
    • Oil sector integration in the Arab Region.
    • Natural Gas integration in the Arab Region.
  • Investment Opportunities:
    • Challenges and Investment Opportunities in Sustainable Energy.
    • Investment projects in Oil and Natural Gas sectors.
    • Investment projects in electricity sector.